
The summary CSV is a summary of important figures for the reporting period. It consists of a single row of rolled-up values for each of its columns. As mentioned above, we recommend starting with the summary report and then diving into the other more detailed reports as needed.


Column NameDescriptionReport Version
Report IDCatch’s unique identifier for this report.v2.0+
Start TimestampThe inclusive starting timestamp of the reporting period.v2.0+
End TimestampThe exclusive ending timestamp of the reporting period.v2.0+
Purchase AmountThe total value of purchases during the reporting period, prior to Catch Fees and reward adjustments, for transactions made via the integrated payment method.v2.0+
Refund AmountThe total value of refunds during the reporting period, prior to reward adjustments, for transactions made via the integrated payment method.v2.0+
Catch FeesThe total amount paid in Catch Fees during the reporting period for transactions made via the integrated payment method.v2.0+
Net Redeemed RewardsThe impact of reward redemptions via the integrated payment method on the net transaction amount.

In addition to reward redemptions, this also includes previous reward redemptions that were ‘unredeemed’ upon a refund.
Card Transactions Included in SettlementsThe total amount paid in Catch Fees during the reporting period for transactions made via the virtual debit card.v3.0+
Net Redeemed Rewards from Card TransactionsThe impact of reward redemptions via the virtual debit card on the net transaction amount.

In addition to reward redemptions, this also includes previous reward redemptions that were ‘unredeemed’ upon a refund.
Include Card Transactions in SettlementsIf true, Catch Fees from Card Transactions and Net Redeemed Rewards from Card Transactions are deducted from the daily settlement alongside fees and redeemed rewards associated with the integrated payment method.v3.0+
Transaction Adjustment AmountThe impact of transaction adjustments on the Net Transaction Amount.v2.0+
Net Transaction AmountThe net amount owed to the merchant based on transactions that occurred in this reporting period.

Net Transaction Amount = Purchase Amount + Refund Amount + Catch Fees + Net Redeemed Rewards.
Unsettled BalanceThe amount that remains unsettled at the end of the reporting window.

Catch doesn’t pull funds, so this value might be negative if refunds exceed purchases. A negative balance will impact the “Total Settled in Period” on a future report.
Total Settled in PeriodThe total amount that Catch sent to the merchant in settlements during the reporting period.

This amount should match the sum total of the settlements in the settlements csv, as well as the sum total of the individual transactions in the settlement_events csv.
Rewards GrantedThe value of new rewards granted in the reporting period.

Itemized reward granted details can be found in the reward_events report by filtering for “granted” events.
Rewards CanceledThe value of previously granted rewards which were canceled during the period (e.g. because the purchase the rewards were earned on became refunded).

Itemized reward cancellation details can be found in the reward_events report by filtering for “canceled” events.
Rewards ExpiredThe value of rewards that expired in the reporting period.

Itemized reward expiration details can be found in the reward_events report by filtering for “expired” events.
Change in Outstanding Rewards The change in amount of outstanding rewards in the reporting period.

Change in Outstanding Rewards = Rewards Granted + Rewards Canceled + Rewards Expired +Net Redeemed Rewards.
Total Outstanding Rewards Total amount of unredeemed reward balance held by consumers.

Total Outstanding Rewards = Total Outstanding Rewards from previous report + Change in Outstanding Rewards.
Merchant IDCatch identifier for brand; This can be used to distinguish between brand reports when managing multiple Catch integrated brands.v2.1+