API Reference

Customer Groups

  • After import is successfully done, you should see Catch settings tab for Customer Groups in BM > Merchant Tools > Customers > Customer Groups
  • If the customer belongs to a particular Customer Group and you want to send this data to Catch in order to tailor Catch to each consumer’s context set “Include To Cohorts” attribute value to “Yes”. Learn more about User Cohorts.

Custom Site Preferences

  1. After import is successfully done, you should see Site Preferences in BM > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences.
  2. Select Catch and you should see fields for cartridge setup.

Field TitleDescription
Catch EnableEnable/Disable all Catch functionality
Catch Public KeyCatch Public Key assigned by Catch Team.
Catch API KeyCatch API Key assigned by Catch Team.
Catch Border StyleCatch widget attribute border style
Catch ThemeCatch widget theme attribute
Catch Or-PrefixCatch widget or-prefix attribute
Catch Campaign Link Widget EnabledEnables Catch Campaign Link Widget
Catch Campaign NameThe name of a valid and active Catch campaign for campaign link widget
Retries ApproachApproach to automatic retries in case of 5xx failures from Catch endpoints. Either two subsequent retries with no delay, or retries with an exponential delay
Retries Initial Delay Time (ms)Initial delay time for retries in milliseconds (required when Retries with delay approach is chosen)
Retries Duration (ms)Time in milliseconds during which retries will be performed (required when Retries with delay approach is chosen)