API Reference

What is the Second Chance Bonus?

Second Chance Bonus allows you to extend the Catch-funded sign up bonus to all your customers to increase their likelihood of repeating. The offer is shown on the post-purchase confirmation page and allows new-to-Catch customers to claim credits towards their next purchase with you.

How is it implemented?


In Shopify, the module is added via an order page script:

  1. From the admin console, navigate to "Settings" in the bottom left corner.
  2. Choose "Checkout" from the sidebar options and scroll down to "Order status page"
  3. After replacing public_key_value with the API key provided to you by the Catch team, add the following script to the "Additional scripts":
    <script defer merchantPublicKey="public_key_value" src="https://js.getcatch.com/shopify.min.js"></script>
  4. Save changes


Shopify Extensibility

At the current time, we do not offer a version of the Second Chance Bonus which is compatible with an order status page that has already been migrated to extensibility. We'll notify you when a compatible version is made available.


Second Chance Bonus utilizes the Campaign Link widget found in our JavaScript SDK. Our team will work with you to add this on your post purchase page.