Catch Sailthru User Properties

Catch uses Sailthru's Update User API to send custom Catch-related properties related to a given consumer as identified by their email address. Catch sends the properties catch_credit_amount and catch_credit_expiration as part of the vars field for the consumer.

Example POST request

    “id”: "[email protected]",
    “vars”: {
       "catch_credit_amount": 3333,
       "catch_credit_expiration": "2022-01-13"
catch_credit_amountintegerThe amount of Catch credits a consumer has in cents.
(formatted %Y-%m-%d)
The expiration date of the Catch credits. This date is the last full day the consumer will be able to use their credits. For rewards that do not have an expiration, Catch sets the expiration date to an arbitrary date in the past, specifically 1970-01-01.

An email can be triggered based on the value of a consumer’s vars using the Lifecycle Optimizer flow. More details can be found in the Custom Profile Fields portion of the Checks section within Sailthru's documentation.

Formatting tips

Credit Amount
You can reformat the catch_credit_amount directly in the email template when you pull in the consumer property using the Zephyr syntax. You’ll likely want to divide by 100 to convert the integer from cents to dollars.

{number(profile.vars.catch_credit_amount / 100, 2)}

Sailthru provides the following additional documentation:

Expiration Date
You can reformat the catch_credit_expiration date directly in the email template when you pull in the consumer property.

{date(“MMMM dd, yyyy”, profile.vars.catch_credit_expiration)} will return a date format in your email of MMMM dd, yy (e.g. March 13, 2017).

For more about other date formats, see Sailthru’s date documentation.