API Reference


The settlement events CSV is a list of transactions that were settled in the reporting period and their amounts. Note that some of these transactions may have occurred outside the reporting period.


Column NameDescriptionReport Version
Settlement Event IDCatch’s internal unique identifier for the settlement event.v2.0+
Catch Transaction IDCatch’s internal unique identifier for the transaction (maps to the Transaction ID in the transactions CSV).v2.0+
Settlement IDCatch’s internal unique identifier for the settlement in which this event was included (maps to the Settlement ID in the settlements CSV).v2.0+
Transaction TypeIndicates the type of event that triggered this settlement event (either purchase or refund).v2.0+
AmountThe amount owed to the merchant based on the associated transaction (maps to the Net Transaction Amount for the associated transaction as reported in the Transactions report).v2.0+
Merchant IDCatch identifier for brand; This can be used to distinguish between brand reports when managing multiple Catch integrated brands.v2.1+