API Reference


The Reward Events CSV is a list of events that impact the status of Catch Rewards.

Reward Event Types

There are several different event types that can occur that will impact Catch rewards. The current list of possible types are described below. This list may expand or contract in the future.

Event TypeDescription
grantedA new reward was granted to a user.
redeemedA reward was redeemed.
canceledA reward that was previously earned is canceled and is no longer available for use. This is usually because the purchase on which the reward was earned has been refunded.
transfer_sentA reward was transferred by a user (e.g. gifted to another user)

This will also result in a “transfer_received” event when the receiver of the transfer obtains the reward.
transfer_receivedA reward that was transferred from one user is received by another.
unredeemedRewards that were applied to a purchase are returned to a user. Usually this is after the purchase on which the reward was redeemed is then refunded.
settled_after_redemptionA reward that was redeemed but then ‘unearned’ upon a return of the original purchase on which the reward was initially earned.
settled_after_transferA reward is granted, transferred to a new owner, then canceled. The reward was transferred, not redeemed, so the cancellation has no impact on redeemed rewards. We do not revoke the rewards because they have a new owner, so the user refund is reduced as payment for the transferred rewards. There will be an increase in outstanding rewards proportional to the decrease in outstanding rewards on the corresponding canceled event. There will be a corresponding “transferred_reward_refund_reduction” transaction adjustment.
expiredA reward expires, becoming ineligible for use.


Column NameDescriptionReport Version
Reward Event IDCatch’s unique internal identifier for the eventv2.0+
TimestampThe timestamp when the reward event occurredv2.0+
Reward IDCatch’s unique internal identifier for the reward on which the event occurredv2.0+
Event TypeThe type of reward event. This value will be one of the values from the “Reward Event Types” section above.v2.0+
Triggering Transaction TypeThe type of transaction that triggered the reward event

Note: This field will not be populated for all event types as not all events are triggered by a transaction. For example, “expired” events are triggered based on the passage of time and won’t have an associated transaction trigger.
Triggering Transaction IDCatch’s unique internal identifier for the transaction that triggered the reward event

Note: This field will not be populated for all event types as not all events are triggered by a transaction. For example, “expired” events are triggered based on the passage of time and won’t have an associated transaction trigger.
Catch User IDCatch’s unique internal identifier for the user that made the transactionv2.0+
Change in Outstanding RewardsThe impact this event had on the merchant’s outstanding rewards balance. A positive value indicates an increase in outstanding rewards.v2.0+
Net Redeemed RewardsThe impact this event had on the amount of merchant funded rewards that have been redeemed. A negative value indicates an increase in rewards redeemed, a positive value indicates that rewards were un-redeemed. The sign is selected to indicate the impact of the redeemed rewards on the Net Transaction Amount of the reference transaction.v2.0+
Reward Expiration TimestampThe timestamp after which Catch will expire the reward. Only reported when it is created or updated.v2.0+
Merchant IDCatch identifier for brand; This can be used to distinguish between brand reports when managing multiple Catch integrated brands.v2.1+