
Catch provides a Magento 2 extension to help merchants add Catch to their storefronts more quickly and easily.


If you haven't integrated Catch before, prior to setting up the extension, we recommend that you review:

  1. Catch integration overview which introduces the components of a Catch integration and their business value, as well as
  2. Marketing integration overview and
  3. Transactions integration overview for information about how and why to interface with Catch prior to, during, and after checkout.


Catch's extension is designed with primary support for the following versions:

  • Community Edition ("CE"): 2.4
  • Enterprise Edition ("EE"): 2.4

If you're using a different version of Magento 2, please let us know, and we'll work with you to identify the best means of integration.


Catch doesn't support Magento 1

Catch's extension is not intended for use with Magento versions <2.0.

Accessing the extension

Catch will provide the extension code directly to partners ahead of integration.

The extension requires a pair of sandbox or live API keys provided to you by Catch in order to operate correctly in your sandbox or live environments, respectively.

To obtain your API keys, please contact your point of contact at Catch.

Installing the extension

Pre-installation preparation

Prior to installation of the Catch Magento extension, please:

  1. Back up your database
  2. Enable Maintenance Mode: $ bin/magento maintenance:enable

To install this extension, you must:

  1. Make sure the repository exists in your composer.json file:
"repositories": [
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""
  1. Acquire the Composer name and current version of the Catch extension.
  2. Update your composer.json file in your Magento project with the name and version of the Catch extension.
  3. Verify the extension installed properly.
  4. Enable and configure the extension.

Acquiring the Composer name and current version of the Catch extension:

  1. Log into Commerce Marketplace with the name and password used to download the Catch extension.
  2. In the upper-righthand corner, click (Your name) > My Profile > My Purchases.
  3. Find the extension you want to install and click Technical Details.


Alternatively, you may find the Composer name and version of the extension in the Catch extension folder in the composer.json file.

Update your composer.json file:

Navigate to your Magento project directory and update your composer.json file with the following information:
$ composer require <component-name>:<version>

Here's an example with values for these variables:
$ composer require catch-inc/module-catch:v1.0.2

Entering your authentication keys

  • The value for "Public Key" should be your Magento account username, and your private key is your Magento account password.
  • Wait for Composer to complete updating your project dependencies and make sure there are no errors. The output should look something like this:
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing catch-inc/module-catch (1.0.0): Downloading (100%)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files

Verify the extension

To verify that the extension installed properly, run the following command:
$ bin/magento module:status CatchSystem_Payment

By default, the extension most likely will be disabled:
Module is disabled


Make sure your store is in Maintenance Mode prior to enabling the extension.

Enabling the extension

To enable the extension, you will also need to clear any static view files. If you are performing this installation on a live store, this might have a performance impact on your site and therefore is best done at low traffic hours.

  1. To enable the extension and clear static view files:
    $ bin/magento module:enable CatchSystem_Payment --clear-static-content

You should see the following output:

The following modules have been enabled:
- CatchSystem_Payment

To make sure that the enabled modules are properly registered, run `setup:upgrade`.
Cache cleared successfully.
Generated classes cleared successfully. Please run the 'setup:di:compile' command to generate classes.
Generated static view files cleared successfully.
  1. Register the extension with Magento:
    $ bin/magento setup:upgrade

  2. Recompile your Magento project. In Production mode, you may receive a message to “Please rerun Magento compile command”. Magento does not prompt you to run the compile command in Developer mode.
    $ bin/magento setup:di:compile

  3. Verify the extension is enabled:
    $ bin/magento module:status CatchSystem_Payment

You should see output verifying that the extension is no longer disabled:
Module is enabled

  1. Clean the cache:
    $ bin/magento cache:clean

  2. Once testing is complete, take Magento out of Maintenance Mode:
    $ bin/magento maintenance:disable

Upgrading the extension

To upgrade your version of the extension:

  1. Download the upgraded extension file from the Marketplace, taking note of the extension name and version number.
  2. Export the contents to Magento root.
  3. Update the module with the following:
    $ composer update CatchSystem_Payment
  4. Run the following commands to upgrade, deploy, and clean the cache:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated
    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    bin/magento cache:clean


To configure the extension:

  1. In Magento Admin, navigate to: Stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods.
  2. Expand the Catch Payment section, customize your configuration, and click Save Config.
  3. Work with your technical point of contact at Catch to test and launch the integration.